La conduite de travaux à bon escient est avant tout une histoire d’Homme de terrain dans un environnement conjuguant solutions chantier, plannings et budgets. L’un des derniers volets majeurs relatif à la qualité des travaux est de plus en plus prépondérant au sein des marchés.
INFRANEO offers customised support with recognised field engineering. Our teams of experts will carry out special inspections and tests for you, as required for the works in progress.
Detecting and geolocating all networks to identify and prevent any risk of collision
Geotechnical missions: G1, G2, G4 & G5 (including drilling and field work) : G3 & G5 (forages et interventions terrain compris)
Tests on deep foundations (piles, micropiles, AMSOL) and anchors (nails, tie rods, bars)
Earthworks : checking the compliance and use of materials (laboratory tests, compactness, load-bearing capacity)
Monitoring concrete at the plant, on site and in the laboratory
Roads: core sampling of asphalt mix for asbestos and PAHs, laboratory tests, sizing
Detailed (remote) visual inspections with diagnostics and 3D modelling to assess the current state of your infrastructure and define a curative or preventive maintenance strategy
Tools and monitoring via the installation of sensors or data acquisition units: monitoring vibrations, cracks, displacements and/or deformations