02 March 2023
Many water and sanitation works were built after the war in Europe.
They are now reaching the end of their useful life.
The new regulation of potability and the cost of treatment imply a large-scale renovation of the installations.
This challenge of supplying drinking water requires heavy financial investment from European countries.
23% of water and sanitation networks in Europe are over 50 years old*
Following decades of heavy urbanisation, most investment in wastewater networks has been devoted to extensions.
Les collectivités font aujourd’hui face à des besoins de réhabilitation générés par :
– ageing water and wastewater facilities
– the need to adapt networks to environmental or operating conditions
– sincreasingly stringent regulatory changes
– a lack of maintenance
Les infrastructures vieillissantes sont susceptibles d’être moins efficaces et moins fiables. Une situation qui peut entraîner des pannes fréquentes et des perturbations dans l’approvisionnement en eau potable et l’élimination des eaux usées.
Ces réseaux d’eau et réseaux d’assainissement sont également plus vulnérables.
Damage caused by natural disasters or extreme climatic events (floods, droughts, etc.) can have serious consequences.
* Chiffres issus d’un rapport de la Commission européenne de 2018.
The modernization of water and sanitation networks becomes inevitable
To tackle this problem, many European countries have begun to invest in renovating their networks.
Different strategies are being adopted:
– Implementation of advanced technologies to monitor and manage networks
– Renovating pipes and treatment plants
– Adoption de stratégies plus durables pour la gestion de l’eau.
Le financement de ces solutions peut s’avérer très lourd, en particulier pour les pays ayant des budgets limités.
Initiatives have been proposed by the European Commission to support Member States in their efforts to modernise infrastructure.
There is in particular European funding such as the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund.
INFRANEO can help you prevent the risks associated with the water cycle.
Il joue un rôle de premier plan dans la définition des actions de maintenance préventive et curative. Ces opérations s’intègrent à la politique de gestion du patrimoine.
INFRANEO offers innovative, robotised television inspection solutions. They complement the work of experts on foot to provide an in-depth analysis of the condition of underground structures.
Our support: visual surveys, analysis of the data collected, recommendations for future action (maintenance, additional investigations, repairs, monitoring, etc.).
Soundings & investigations :
To analyse the structural behaviour of underground structures, INFRANEO has developed point tools for monitoring.
Solutions that make it possible to know the characteristics of the structure of the structures, the ground and their interaction. Added value supported by our know-how in soil engineering .
Our R&D department is initiating methods of monitoring and diagnosis on all types of Civil Engineering works. Our teams thus accurately assess the state of the existing infrastructure.
Audit and calculations
INFRANEO vous propose une analyse de la provenance de l’ensemble des défauts relevés sur l’ouvrage. Avec ce diagnostic précis, vous serez orientés vers les mesures à appliquer pour l’entretien, la réparation et la surveillance de l’ouvrage souterrain.
Accompagnement des maîtres d’oeuvre
As the European leader in asset management, INFRANEO is committed to working alongside project owners:
From rehabilitation to the creation of works of art, water and sanitation works.
Our teams support your projects from the feasibility study through to handover.
Instrumentation & Monitoring
INFRANEO guarantees precise and permanent monitoring of water and sanitation works by adapting to the context.
For example
– Securing ageing infrastructure,
– Monitoring the impact of nearby works
– L’analyse de phénomènes sur le long terme.
Robotic testing of underground structures
INFRANEO has designed robotic solutions for inspecting and monitoring semi-visitable and visitable underground structures.
These modular technologies are perfectly adaptable to the most atypical field configurations.
Parmi nos innovations, nous pouvons citer les robots CurioCity, CurioMini, CurioBike, CurioRaft et CurioBee. Ils accueillent une série de capteurs métiers dans le respect le plus total de l’environnement.
The promise of unique expertise
INFRANEO provides turnkey solutions to ensure the long-term future of your infrastructure.
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