Dans son dossier partenaire, BFM Business met à l’honneur « Les réussites à la française » !


The opportunity for Bruce XISTE, to take the floor to present our businesses, technical expertise INFRANEO and our approach of continuous innovation.

From the very beginning of our adventure, we have been driven by a burning passion and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Starting from scratch, we embarked on a journey marked by determination and aspiration to distinguish ourselves in our field of activity. Today, we are honored and incredibly proud to share with you a major milestone in our journey: our appearance on BFM Business, the leading business news channel in France.

The recognition of BFM Business, a respected institution and an authoritative voice in the French media landscape, is an achievement of which we are extremely proud. As major players in our sector, this invitation demonstrates our significant impact and the scope of our work. It is an undeniable validation of our constant commitment to providing the highest quality products and services, which effectively meet the needs of our customers and exceed their expectations.

Our appearance on BFM Business was an invaluable opportunity for us not only to share our unique story and bold vision for the future, but also to highlight the values that drive us. It allowed us to illustrate the innovation and creativity that are at the heart of everything we do, and which are the drivers of our success. This combination of innovation, creativity and resilience has enabled us to stand out, to make a difference to the lives of our customers, and to advance the industry as a whole.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to you, our valued customers and partners. Your unshakeable trust in us, your unwavering support and your constant loyalty have been the pillars of our success and growth. Every product we've designed, every service we've deployed, every innovation we've pioneered, has been driven by our deep desire to offer you the best, to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

This recognition by BFM Business is also yours. It is a tribute to the relationship of trust we have built together, the value we have created by working closely together, and the achievements we have accomplished by joining our efforts.

Join us in celebrating this exceptional achievement. We invite you to relive this memorable moment with us by watching our appearance on BFM Business.

En regardant vers l’avenir, nous sommes plus déterminés que jamais à continuer sur notre lancée. Notre mission reste inchangée : créer de la valeur pour nos clients, innover sans cesse et repousser sans cesse les limites de ce qui est possible. Nous sommes impatients de poursuivre notre voyage, d’explorer de nouveaux horizons et de continuer à faire une différence.

Beyond our appearance on BFM Business, we are determined to continue our upward trajectory. We are constantly looking for new ways to improve, innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible in our industry. It is this determination that drives us to explore new frontiers, adopt cutting-edge technologies, develop new solutions and offer products and services that set new standards of excellence.

As an integral part of our community, we are determined to continue working closely with you, our valued customers and partners. We are committed to listening carefully to your needs and expectations, understanding your challenges and aspirations, and working with you to develop solutions that meet your specific needs and help you achieve your goals. This outstanding achievement on BFM Business does not mark the end of our journey, but rather an exciting new chapter in our story. We can't wait for what the future holds, and we're determined to keep working hard to make a positive difference to our industry and to the lives of our customers and partners.

Cette réalisation exceptionnelle sur BFM Business ne marque pas la fin de notre voyage, mais plutôt un nouveau chapitre passionnant de notre histoire. Nous sommes impatients de ce que l’avenir nous réserve, et nous sommes déterminés à continuer à travailler avec acharnement pour faire une différence positive dans notre secteur et dans la vie de nos clients et partenaires.

Pour conclure, nous tenons à remercier une fois de plus BFM Business pour nous avoir donné cette opportunité incroyable. Cela a été un véritable honneur d’apparaître sur leur plateforme et de partager notre histoire, nos valeurs et notre vision avec un public plus large. Nous sommes également infiniment reconnaissants envers vous, nos clients et partenaires, pour votre soutien indéfectible et votre confiance en nous. Sans vous, nous n’aurions pas pu atteindre ce jalon important.

Alors que nous nous tournons vers l’avenir, nous gardons les yeux fixés sur notre mission et notre vision. Nous continuerons à travailler sans relâche pour innover, pour repousser les limites et pour offrir des produits et des services qui surpassent vos attentes. Avec votre soutien, nous sommes convaincus que les meilleures réalisations sont encore à venir.

Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage passionnant. Ensemble, nous pouvons atteindre de nouveaux sommets et créer un avenir encore plus brillant. Nous sommes impatients de continuer à partager notre voyage avec vous et de célébrer d’autres réalisations mémorables dans les années à venir.

« INFRANEO est un groupe dynamique, proche des réalités du terrain et soucieux d’améliorer en permanence la qualité de ses réponses techniques. La formation et l’innovation sont au cœur de nos valeurs d’entreprise. »

Découvrez l’interview dès maintenant !

To find out everything about this interview, find the full article on the website BFM TV.